27. Faltynkova, A., Georgieva, S., Kostadinova, A., Blasco-Costa, I., Scholz, T. & Skirnisson, K. 2014. Diplostomum von Nordmann, 1832 (Digenea: Diplostomidae) in the sub-Arctic: descriptions of the larval stages of six species discovered recently in Iceland. Systematic Parasitology, 89, 195-213.
26. Herrmann, K.K., Poulin, R., Keeney, D.B. & Blasco-Costa, I. 2014. Genetic structure in a progenetic trematode: signs of cryptic species with contrasting reproductive strategies. International Journal for Parasitology, 44, 811-818.
25. Blasco-Costa, I.,Georgieva, S., Faltýnková, A., Skirnisson, K., Scholz, T. & Kostadinova, A. 2014. Fish pathogens in the Subarctic: a molecular glimpse of the diversity of Diplostomum. International Journal of Parasitology, 44, 703-715.
24. O’Dwyer, K., Blasco-Costa, I., Poulin, R. & Faltýnková, A. 2014. Four marine digenean parasites of Austrolittorina spp. (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) in New Zealand: morphological and molecular data. Systematic Parasitology, 89, 133-152.
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22. Georgieva, S., Faltynkova, A., Brown, R., Blasco-Costa, I., Soldanova, M., Sitko, J., Scholz, T. & Kostadinova, A. 2014. Echinostoma‘revolutum‘ (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) species complex revisited: species delimitation based on novel molecular and morphological data gathered in Europe. Parasites & Vectors, 7, 520.